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Last Week in Pony - March 18, 2018

Last Week In Pony is a weekly blog post to catch you up on the latest news for the Pony programming language. To learn more about Pony check out our website, our Twitter account @ponylang, or our Zulip community.

Got something you think should be featured? There’s a GitHub issue for that! Add a comment to the open “Last Week in Pony” issue.


Last Week’s Playground

This week I am going to present you the with expression in Pony. The with expression???, you ask? Yes, this undocumented gem that definitely needs more coverage in the tutorial.

Here is the playground link:

In case you want to submit one (which I highly recommend), just add it as a comment to the current Last Week in Pony Issue and let people vote with +1 reactions. The one with the most votes is presented (Or i just present them all. Depends on my Sunday evening mood).


Interested in making a change, or keeping up with changes to Pony? Check out the RFC repo. Contributors welcome!

Approved RFCs

Compile time expressions