Planet Pony¶
We don’t have a Pony blog aggregator at the moment, so in the meantime, we have this manually edited stand in. It’s like the early curated days of Yahoo!
- Pony Programming Language with Sylvan Clebsch and Sean Allen – Conversation #7
- Pony Language - First Impression [Programming Languages Episode 34]
- Developer Voices Interview- Pony: High-Performance, Memory-Safe Actors (with Sean Allen)
- Pony VUG #11: Pony via a GitHub REST API
- Pony VUG #10: Pony vs. Rust - How they both drive you mad at compile time
- Pony VUG #9: CastXML2Pony, Automatically(ish) building Pony libraries to wrap C-FFI calls
- Pony, Actors, Causality, Types, and Garbage Collection
- Sean T. Allen informal Pony presentation to HFPUG
- On Deny Capabilities for Safe, Fast Actors
- Video: Learn Pony with Brian and Sean: Episode 2
- Video: Learn Pony with Brian and Sean: Episode 1
- Video: Safely Sharing Data: Reference Capabilities in the Pony Programming Language
- Video: Time to Pony up!: A tour of Pony
- Video: Run, actor, run
- Video: The wide world of almost-actors: comparing Pony to BEAM languages and slides (PDF)
- Video: Pony: How I learned to stop worrying and embrace an unproven technology and slides
- Generating Pony Coverage Reports
- Introduction to the Pony programming language
- How to train your Pony: Introduction
- Video: The Wide World of Actors or, Can I Have an Erlang Pony? and also the talk’s slides (PDF)
- Video: Everyone gets a pony!
- Pony Considerations
- Video: Pony - A Language for Provably Safe Lockless Concurrency (Øredev Malmö)
- Slides: Pony - A Language for Provably Safe Lockless Concurrency (Øredev Malmö)
- Video: Dr. Strangecode or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Type System.
- Video: Pony: How I learned to stop worrying and embrace an unproven technology (QCon New York)
- Slides: Pony: How I learned to stop worrying and embrace an unproven technology (QCon New York)
- Pony: Actors and Objects from PLISS‘17. Part 1. Part 2.
- Slides: Why Pony? Bleeding edge technology for your concurrency woes (Polyconf‘17)
- Reference Capabilities, Consume and Recover in Pony
- The Promise of Pony’s Future
- Rolling the Dice with Pony
- Composition over Inheritance in Pony
- My First Pony
- InfoQ podcast interview with Sylvan Clebsch - Pony Language Designer Sylvan Clebsch on Pony’s Design, Garbage Collection, and Formal Verification
- Pony: 714 Days Later (Curry On Barcelona)
- What’s Next for Our Programming Languages? (QCon London)
- Pony: Co-designing a Type-system and a Runtime (QCon London)
- An Early History of Pony
- Pony VUG #8: Andrew Turley: Prime Cuts: The Best Pieces Of Pony
- Découverte du langage Pony
- Pony Capabilities made simple
- Pony VUG #7: Nick Pruhs: Designing an Actor Model Game Architecture with Pony
- Pony - A Language for Provably Safe Lockless Concurrency
- Pony: Co-Designing a Type System and a Runtime
- Pony VUG #6: Andrew Turley: The Art of Forgetting - Garbage Collection in Pony
- Reference Capabilities in Pony for everybody
- Pony VUG #5: George Steed: A Principled Design of Capabilities in Pony
- Pony VUG #4: Simple Value-Dependent Types in Pony
- Borrowing in Pony
- Push-parsing and Pony
- Pony VUG #3: The Actor Model and Pony
- Pony VUG #2: Using the Pony FFI in Anger
- Using Pony for FinTech
- Using the Actor-model Language Pony for FinTech
- Exploring actors in Pony
- Bang, Hat and Arrow in Pony
- Pony VUG #1: Writing Generic Code
- Closures in Pony
- Safely Sharing Data: Reference Capabilities in Pony
- the morning paper: Ownership and Reference Counting Based Garbage Collection in the Actor World
- the morning paper: Deny Capabilities for Safe, Fast Actors
- Pony designer Sylvan Clebsch on the Actor-Model Language Pony, Garbage Collection, Capabilities, Concurrency
- Inside the Pony TCP Stack
- Cross compile Pony programs for Android
- C linkable libraries with Pony
- Deconstructing a Pony echo server
- Presentation slides for “My Little Pony” talk at CodeMesh 2015 in London
- A quick look at the Pony Programming Language
- Presentation slides for “Deny Capabilities for Safe, Fast Actors” paper on Pony type system at Agere 2015 in Pittsburgh
- Part two of “Actor-based programming in Pony” at Imperial Programming Lectures in London
- Part one of “Actor-based programming in Pony” at Imperial Programming Lectures in London
- Video of CurryOn presentation on Pony at ECOOP 2015
- Video of Pony talk at TNG Big Tech Day 2015
- Pony presentation by Prof. Sophia Drossopoulou at the IFIP WG 2.16 (Programming Language Design)