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Contributor Zulip

The ponylang zulip is the primary hub for asynchronous chat within the Pony community. If you are interested in contributing to Pony, you are strongly encouraged to join. When you do join, be sure to introduce yourself in the #”new members” stream.

Within the Zulip, there are a number of contributor oriented streams that you should consider joining. Please note that this list might be out of date with the most recent state of the Zulip, but should act as a good guide post.


Conversations about various core team and committer organizational topics like the creation of this repository.


Discussion of issues around our CI systems

compiler discussion

Chat about implementation details of the ponyc compiler

contribute to Pony

A place for folks to get advice on how they can contribute to Pony. Also includes suggestions for things from core team members that they are hoping the larger community will help out with.


Discussion of LLVM related issues for ponyc


Discussion of our release processes and surrounding events.


Discussion of the RFC process and individual RFCs.


Discussions about the pony runtime.


Conversations about our weekly realtime developer sync meeting.


Discussion of tools around ponyc: corral, ponyup, editor plugins and more.