Last Week in Pony - May 31, 2020
A bunch of updates to ponylang-mode. The Pony Zulip now has a ‘jobs’ stream for posting Pony-related job opportunities. The ‘Add maybe to itertools’ RFC will be voted on in the next sync meeting.
A bunch of updates to ponylang-mode. The Pony Zulip now has a ‘jobs’ stream for posting Pony-related job opportunities. The ‘Add maybe to itertools’ RFC will be voted on in the next sync meeting.
Damon Kwok has been doing a ton of awesome work on the Emacs ponylang-mode. Sean T Allen gave an informal presentation on Pony to the Houston Functional Programmers Users Group.
Pony 0.35.0 and 0.35.1 have been released! Stable, our little dependency manager that could, has been deprecated in favor of our new dependency manager, Corral.
It’s been a big week in Pony world for new ponylang projects and releases. ponyc 0.34.1 has been released for users on glibc-based Linux platforms. We’ve also opened a new GitHub repo for collecting information relevant to Pony contributors at
Nightly builds of ponyc for FreeBSD 12.1 are available. pony-semver has moved into the ponylang organization. The past sync meeting discussed syntax changes for the call site of behaviours.
We return after a long absence with some very sad news.
Pony 0.33.2 has been released! The core team is no longer maintaining the ponyc Homebrew formula, since ponyup is now the officially supported installation method.
Our community Zulip has over 500 members! Ryan A. Hagenson introduces pony-bio, a bioinformatics library for the Pony ecosystem.
Sean T. Allen’s recent PWL on Deny Capabilities for Safe, Fast Actors Talk is available. Microsoft’s Project Verona is now open source.