Last Week in Pony - December 13, 2020
Version 0.2.2 of ponylang/http_server has been released.
Version 0.2.2 of ponylang/http_server has been released.
The audio recording of the December 1, 2020 Pony development sync call is available.
The ponylang/glob package has upgraded its ponylang/regex dependency to improve the installation experience for Windows users.
There’s a new meeting URL for the weekly Pony developer sync meeting.
Ponyc 0.38.1 has been released. Support for prebuilt “generic glibc Linux” ponyc binaries is being dropped in favor of prebuilt images for specific Linux distributions. We are also pleased to announce Jason Carr, AKA @jasoncarr0, is now a Pony committer!
Sean T. Allen has released version 0.0.1 of the lori TCP library.
A Pony talk given by Sophia Drossopoulou is now available on InfoQ.
We have a new RFC for added syntax to extend automatic receiver recovery. The shared-docker shellcheck image is being deprecated.
The Flynn project aims to bring a Pony-like actor-model implementation to Swift using a modified version of the Pony runtime. New releases of ponyc, ponyup, and some bots.
Corral now has ability to run scripts when a dependency is fetched. This has been used to install necessary libraries on Windows starting with the latest releases of the crypto, net_ssl, and regex packages. Ponyup 0.6.0 is out, with some minor improvements.