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Last Week in Pony

Last Week in Pony - December 15, 2019

Another week in the world of Pony has passed. What’s going on? Well quite a bit, a lot of which will be surfacing over the next couple months so keep your eyes peeled on Last Week in Pony. We have a lot of exciting stuff coming.

In the meantime, let’s get to that news…

Last Week in Pony - November 10, 2019

Last week has seen a ton of improvements to our CI and release automation thanks to Sean T. Allen. We have also been working toward making ponyup the default for installing and managing the Pony compiler and tools. Three new members have been inducted into the Pony core team.

Last Week in Pony - November 3, 2019

Pony 0.33.0 is out! This release includes changes to the pony runtime options and a major step toward providing prebuilt binaries for Linux platforms. This is the first Ponyc release available as tar.gz packages for x86-based Linux distributions. The ponyup tool will soon support managing release and nightly installations of pony toolchains.