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Last Week in Pony - March 9, 2025

If you use either ponylang/changelog-bot-action or ponylang/release-notes-bot-action, update to the new version immediately.

Items of Note

Update changelog-bot-action Immediately

A bizarre bug prevents ponylang/changelog-bot-action from working. Update to version 0.3.7 immediately.

Update release-notes-bot-action Immediately

A bizarre bug prevents ponylang/release-notes-bot-action from working. Update to version 0.3.10 immediately.

Ponyc Release Coming

We closed a race condition in the runtime at the end of the week. A new release will be out soon to address this. Expect 0.58.13 shortly.

Office Hours

Office Hours featured live debugging of cycle detector related “memory explosion” issues with Sean and Dipin leading the charge. Red, Adrian, and Nate also attended.

Dipin demonstrated his in-progress tracing for the Pony runtime. It looks great. Later in the week he opened a pull request for it.


Last Week In Pony is a weekly blog post to catch you up on the latest news for the Pony programming language. To learn more about Pony, check out our website or our Zulip community.

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