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Last Week in Pony - July 5, 2020

There is a new set of public Docker images for Pony with SSL system libraries installed. These will be replacing the previous “x86-64-unknown-linux-builder-with-ssl” image.

Items of note

  • Audio from the June 30, 2020 Pony development sync call is available.

  • Are you using any of the docker images we provide the community in the shared-docker repository? If yes, this announcement is for you. The “x86-64-unknown-linux-builder-with-ssl” image that had latest and release versions has been removed and isn’t being updated anymore. It has been replaced by two more specific images. “x86-64-unknown-linux-builder-with-libressl” and “x86-64-unknown-linux-builder-with-openssl_1.1.x”. Both of the new images are alpine based like the one they are replacing.


  • Version 0.5.2 of ponylang-mode has been released. See the release notes for more details.

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